Document Library


Document library contains the list of all Bibles, dictionaries, commentaries, books, and other modules that have been download. To access the library tap and hold on the book name on the top left side of the menu bar.


Bible modules can be downloaded from going to main menu then taping on download documents. You can filter the list by selecting bibles for “All Types” or by language.


To do.


To install strong’s concordance dictionaries tap on the top left on the menu bar then tap on download documents. For “All Types” select Dictionary. From the list tap on StrongsGreek to install then StrongHebrew.

To ensure that these dictionaries are used as main lookup for words in Bible modules: From menu select application preferences, then tap on Strongs Greek Dictionary and if not selected tap on StrongsGreek. Do the same for Strongs Hebrew Dictionary.

Return to download documents and download KJV Bible module if you have not installed it previously. This module contains Strong’s number references. From the main Bible window tap and hold on the book name to the right of the menu icon on the top left of the screen. From the list of modules select KJV Bible. (You can also get to this screen by going to “Choose Document” in the main left side menu). This will load the current window with this Bible module. (You can also use the NASB or NET version for this purpose)

If you see dotted underlines for words, this means that a strong’s no is coded for that word, if you tap on these words the window will display the dictionary definition for that word. To display the Strong’s numbers in the bible instead of underlines inlines, tap on the Greek or Hebrew icon on the top menu bar. For the books in the Hebrew scriptures this icon shows Hebrew letters and for the books in the New Testaments the icon shows a Greek letter. If you tap on this icon again then no underline or Strong’s numbers will display.

To display the dictionary definitions in a special window: From the main menu tap on application preferences then turn on “Links window”


To do.


To do.

How to Delete a Module:

To delete any of the above module types:

From the menu bar at the top; Tap to Enter menu, then tap on “Choose Document”. Optionally you can tap and hold on the book name on the menu bar. This will take you to the document screen. Choose the type of document to filter by, e.g. Bibles, Maps, etc. From the list, tap and hold on the module you want to delete. Once highlighted, at the top right corner on the menu bar, tap on the trash can icon. Tap “Yes” to confirm delete.